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breakfast from our farm

Mmm delicious, how it smells in the morning. What better way to start the day than with a lovingly prepared breakfast?


We serve you homemade yogurt from our organic hay milk, freshly milked organic hay milk from our cows and smoked bacon and sausages from the Bergerhof farm.


We are particularly proud of our plum jam from our plum tree - this is probably almost the only plum tree that grows and thrives at the foot of the Großglockner.


All the cheese for our breakfast comes from our region - from the Figerhof cheese dairy in Kals am Großglockner and from the Stemberger organic farm. The goat's and organic hay milk used for the cheese is “born in East Tyrol, grown on the beautiful meadows and alpine pastures and refined in the cheese dairies in East Tyrol”.


The bread rolls are freshly baked and delivered every day - except Sundays - by the Steiner bakery in Huben. The homemade farmhouse bread is baked by the farmer's wife Monika according to an old family recipe.


Eggs are a must for a perfect breakfast. Our hens usually don't manage to provide all our guests with eggs. That's why we buy the eggs from East Tyrolean farmers.


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  • Joghurt_von_unserem_Bio_Bauernhof.jpg
  • gemütlicher_Frühstücksraum.jpg


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